Shed light on your hidden talents, the occupations you could thrive in, understand the nature of and reasons behind your relationships with colleagues and superiors. Make the most of all of your financial potential. |
The lunar horoscope below is valid until Saturday, November 16, 2024, 07:10 GMT (that is, for another 33 hours and 26 minutes)
Period auspicious to concentrating, making investments, to family gatherings, countryside excursions, meditation, starting on a new job, opening a savings account, writing one’s last will and testament, buying clothes or home furnishings, moving, being with friends, throwing a party, cooking, attending a concert, dying one’s hair, going to the beauty salon or marrying. Avoid neck, throat, gullet and thyroid gland operations. Nonetheless, urgent surgical interventions are unavoidable and constitute an exception to this rule. |
Should you want to learn more about the Moon’s influence on man and nature, read The phases of the moon & nature’s rhythm.
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“ | I found my natal chat reading to give me an outlook on myself previously unseen. But I also believe that some people won’t find this helpful. ” Nila, USA |
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