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The lunar horoscope below is valid until Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 21:33 GMT (that is, for another 33 hours and 50 minutes)

Period auspicious to competitions in view of a new job, games of fortune, publicity, negotiating a raise in salary, purchasing jewelry or an automobile, writing one’s last will and testament, visiting friends, moving, organizing great parties, dancing, going to the movies, the theater or the opera, practicing a sport, going to the hairdresser, dying one’s hair or getting a permanent, flirting and engaging in erotic activity or getting married.

Avoid heart, gall bladder, back and spinal chord operations. Nonetheless, urgent surgical interventions are unavoidable and constitute an exception to this rule.

Should you want to learn more about the Moon’s influence on man and nature, read The phases of the moon & nature’s rhythm.



The display on this page suits Geminians. Choose from the 11 other possible designs by clicking the table above.

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All about my parental issues appears to be correct, and thank you for directing me to focus in my professional areas. 

Shy, India

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