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The Word
of Destiny

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Get the key information that will help you radically improve your life now. Over 30 pages long, your Astroscopia Natal Chart reveals everything you need to know about yourself and your destiny:

Be able to recognize your ideal partner, decode your romantic behaviors and your sexuality, discover why you attract certain types of people and improve your love life,

Identify the mechanisms that control your relationships with your family and friends. Improve your relationships with your loved ones,

Shed light on your hidden talents, the occupations you could thrive in, understand the nature of and reasons behind your relationships with colleagues and superiors. Make the most of all of your financial potential,

Maintain your well-being. Be aware of the specific illnesses that threaten you and what causes them. Free yourself from their harmful consequences on your health,

Understand why you are inclined towards certain vices and how you can get rid of them,

Discover the relations of cause and effect between your previous life and your present life. Lift the veil from certain events in your past life, their influence on your current life and the purpose of your birth...

Get all of this information and much more in your Astroscopia Natal Chart and take a quantum leap in your destiny!

What is a birth chart?
(also known as a “natal chart” or “horoscope”)

For my part, I call the birth chart “a manual for working on oneself.” Indeed, the birth chart is neither definitive nor immutable. It is merely the sum total of character and destiny predispositions that you have inherited at the time of your birth. On the other hand, you can obtain the same information that your birth chart provides through other means: after long years of being analyzed by a psychologist (provided that you are objective about yourself), with the help of different forms of psychotherapy, or even by practicing one of the wide range of existing spiritual disciplines. However, the method proposed here will allow you to obtain this information immediately, after several mouse clicks, saving both time and money. Since our character creates our destiny, knowing your own character could allow you to change your future in a radical way.

Why should you order your birth chart from Astroscopia?

Throughout my long experience in astrology, most often I have seen natal charts explaining your way of being and your character. However, practically none of them will explain the reasons for all this. Over the years, I have obtained answers to these questions through my own experience and through studying various spiritual disciplines. Astroscopia is the means by which I can share my knowledge with you. Therefore, Astroscopia’s natal charts explain what lies behind your behavior and the reasons for your reactions. This way, half the work is done. Indeed, the enemy (those shortcomings that bring about a bad destiny) loses its force once it has been discovered and named.

Moreover, Astroscopia reveals to you the means by which you will be able to overcome the negative aspects of your character and to transform them into something positive. Indeed, the energy that you possess is neither negative nor positive. What is negative or positive is only the manner in which you use it.

Finally, your natal chart reveals your talents as well as the way to realize them on the material level.

Who should not order his or her natal chart from Astroscopia?

If what you want is to be flattered and told that you are the most beautiful of all individuals, the most intelligent and the best in the world, that you will live in happiness, love and wealth for the rest of your days, you are knocking at the wrong door. Astroscopia will not put pink-colored shades over your eyes in order to get to your money, and in this case it will be best for you to order your natal chart elsewhere.

However, should you have the guts, the solid nerves and no fear of listening to the truth about yourself, you have come to the right place. Astroscopia’s birth chart is a slap on the face that will allow you to get rid of the fantasies that have cradled you so far. In fact, Astroscopia’s birth chart is no different from any good parent. A parent filled with love who knowingly gives you support, who congratulates you, helps you to understand yourself, but also criticizes you whenever it becomes necessary to do so in order to help you turn into a mature and responsible person. Since it is only thus that you will be able to live your life to the fullest.

In other words, Astroscopia’s birth chart is the slap on the face you require in order to take a quantum leap in your destiny.

I congratulate you in advance for having the courage to accept it.

Further, you should know that I do not judge you since I am an imperfect being in quest of perfection just like you.

What is the difference between having direct contact with an astrologer and the birth chart of Astroscopia?

Astroscopia’s birth chart will give you a lot of information. However, it cannot be a substitute for a direct contact with a good astrologer. Direct contact produces a series of exchanges between the astrologer’s energy-informational field and the client’s. You can thereby obtain a lot of additional, non-verbal information. Provided, however, that the astrologer has gotten rid of the negative aspects of his or her own personality, that he or she loves people, that he or she is continuously ready to correct his or her view of the world and, above all, that he or she has a higher level of consciousness than the client does.

For the time being, at least, I have chosen Astroscopia as the most appropriate form of communicating since there are many of you out there and just one of me.

Who can order a birth chart from Astroscopia?

Astroscopia is a site to be taken seriously. The birth chart it offers is a genuine product rich in information. This is why a minimum level of experience is required for you to be able to appreciate it properly. I do not recommend ordering your natal chart before you have already turned 18.

How much does the birth chart of Astroscopia cost?

The birth chart is €90.

How can the information of your natal chart be used?

To see where you fit on the path towards emotional and spiritual maturity and in order to check out the direction you are embarked upon as well as the speed at which you are progressing, you should return to your natal chart from time to time.

Keep in mind that you always have the right to choose your way. You can always change your future through your actions and choices in the present so that your life is not only a novel that you will read but a novel that you yourself will write instead.

And what if I don’t recognize myself in the description done by my natal chart?

All truth be told, certain parts of the description concerning you may appear strange to you. This is not to say that these characteristics are not in you. Perhaps your ego is simply not allowing you to see them. Or it may be that you are not yet aware of them. Or that the moment of their outward expression has not yet arrived. It is equally possible that in spite of your predispositions, these character traits have changed somewhat because of the influence exerted by your family, your education, your social environment, the work you have already done on yourself or as a result of a traumatizing event in your past. It may even be that they were altered because of influence exercised by a quasar close to one of your planets at the moment you were born. Nevertheless, do not attempt to recognize yourself at all cost in everything that your natal chart reveals.

Finally, remember that God always protects you, including from yourself. This is the reason why, out of all the nefarious consequences that your character can bring about, most of the time you are forced to face only the most benign.

What the natal chart of Astroscopia will not give you

You will not find any prediction related to your future in your Astroscopia natal chart. You will not find any ready-made formula for solving all your existential problems. Nor will it follow the path that you yourself must follow.

Nevertheless, you can ask me for advice concerning anything that interests you.






Your gender: 

Your name:

Your birth date: [day month year]


You can have your birth chart prepared for you only as long as you have turned 18. Consequently, the year drop-down list goes back to 2007 only.

Your birth time: [hour:minute]


 !  Please provide your exact time of birth. More than 15 minutes difference would result in someone else’s natal chart appearing.

Your birth place:

 !  Enter your place of birth WITHOUT ACCENTS, DIACRITICS OR DASHES, then SELECT IT FROM THE LIST*. Should your place of birth not be included among the elements offered, please let me know by specifying the country and region where it is located.

* The Atlas lists 187,839 places and is updated in keeping with your requests.
The countries so far listed are:
Australia & Europe (all countries)
Africa: Algeria, Benin (Dahomey), Congo, Egypt, Gabon, La Réunion, Libya, Madagascar, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tunisia
Americas: Argentina, Bermuda, Canada, Cuba, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Honduras, Martinique, Panama, USA, Venezuela
Asia: India, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Vietnam
Russian Federation
Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan
Middle East: Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Syria
Pacific: New Caledonia, New Zealand, French Polynesia
Were your birthplace not to be found in any of the countries or states mentioned below, it is useless to forcibly attempt to modify the contents of the field since, by doing so, you will automatically obtain a place other than the one where you were born and your natal chart will come out false. Instead, ask me to put your birthplace on the Atlas.

Calculations for your birth chart take about  30 seconds 

The display on this page suits Geminians. Choose from the 11 other possible designs by clicking the table above.

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Ask a question or leave a general comment. For questions of a personal nature, kindly go to the AstroAdvice page.

Thank you for the Natal Chart. WOW, truly amazing how the Chart hits the nail on the head in so many areas relating to me.
I have seen and read other astrological write-ups on me and this one exceedingly surpasses them all. Again, thank you so much as the Natal Chart gives me enlightenment and constructive critics on areas to be on guard about and areas in my life to be aware of and work on.
God Bless You. 

Vance Russell, USA

This was incredible!! The detail and insight that you give to a chart are just over the top. It is both accurate and informative. I have had charts done before, readings etc... None of them compare to the one you did - combined! I keep referring to it and it just gets better! It was a self help life guide (that’s what I’d call it). I’m making changes and understanding things about me that make sense. Thank you so very much for this gift! 

Calle Carter, USA

I just want to thank you for my natal chart. I honestly saw parts of me in each page that I read. I was really impressed at the parts where I had some barriers in my life that I eventually over came and was only able to get past them by surrendering and acknowledging that I did not have control over the situation, I had to let go and let God. There were some things that were inaccurate however I must say that had my life not taken the turns they did my life could very well have ended in those ways. Also, I was quite amazed at the references to drug and alcohol addiction. I have also overcome those obstacles, again by surrendering. I am now on a more spiritual journey. Thanks. 

Debra, USA

I found my natal chat reading to give me an outlook on myself previously unseen. But I also believe that some people won’t find this helpful. 

Nila, USA

I got some pretty good insight on myself. 

Megan Schulte, USA

All about my parental issues appears to be correct, and thank you for directing me to focus in my professional areas. 

Shy, India

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Violeta S. Marsol
All rights reserved

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