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Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey - Natal Chart

Symbolism of the houses in the horoscope
1st House

House of self, image and appearance, individuality, body type, vital energy and the ego. House of the beginning of life and symbol of all beginnings. Natural house of Aries.
2nd House
House of money, ability to earn money and ways of becoming rich. House of value, value systems, and priorities in life. Natural house of Taurus.
3rd House
House of intellect, the conscious self, primary education, language and writing. House of communication, circulation, short trips, letters and documents. House of brothers, sisters, neighbors and parents. Natural house of Gemini.
4th House
House of origins, ancestors, the psyche, inherited talents and illnesses. House of parents, the mother, home and childhood. Beginning and end of life, womb and tomb. Natural house of Cancer.
5th House
House of freely given love, eroticism, sexual pleasure and children. House of creativity, celebrations, adventures, easy winnings, gambling, speculation and sport. Natural house of Leo.
6th House
House of work, responsibility, workspace, assistants, novices and servants. House of the unconscious self, habits, services performed for others. House of health, nourishment, clothing, domestic animals. Natural house of Virgo.
7th House
House of marriage, partnerships, public relations, awards and public recognition. House of known enemies, rivals, and court cases. Natural house of Libra.
8th House
House of death, suffering, blows dealt by destiny. House of sex, regeneration and transformation. House of other people’s money, patronage, credit, taxes, partner’s money, insurance companies and inheritances. House of the occult, parapsychology and black magic. Natural house of Scorpio.
9th House
House of foreign lands and long voyages, higher education and the intellect. House of the law, publishing activities, a partner’s parents. House of Divine wisdom, spirituality, philosophy, religion and metaphysics. House of the Superego. Natural house of Sagittarius.
10th House
House of reputation, social status, career, glory, occupations linked to the public. House of the father. Natural house of Capricorn.
11th House
House of the intellect, plans, hopes, goals and desires. House of friends, relationships, protection, like-minded circles of friends. House of social and humanitarian work, circumstances beyond one’s control and love received. Natural house of Aquarius.
12th House
House of the unconscious self, hidden strength, isolation, secrets, limitations, chronic illness, physical problems and hardship. House of prisons, hospitals, monasteries, crime, deceit, frustrations, exile, sacrifice, secret enemies. Natural house of Pisces.

Oprah Winfrey

The magazine Vanity Fair says of her:

“Oprah Winfrey arguably has more influence on culture than any university dean, politician, or religious leader, except perhaps the Pope.”

Really, very few people in the whole world are known just by their first name. Among them, she is the only one who talks about her private life. In this way, she went from being a well-known entertainer to become the friend of everyone in the world, as well as an example everyone can follow, no matter where they come from, or what color skin or religion they have.

Oprah Winfrey was born on January 29 th, 1954 in a town in Mississippi, under the sign of original and altruistic Aquarius. Her ascendant and her Moon are in Sagittarius, the most enthusiastic, professor and philosopher in the Zodiac. Although she was born to a poor family, at the time of her birth, the stars prophesized that she would be rich. More precisely, the Sun, symbol of the ego, is in close contact with Venus, planet of art, in the house of money (2nd). Mercury, planet of language, communication and writing is also found there. All this indicates that Oprah would get rich thanks to activities linked to language, writing and art. Furthermore, Neptune located nearby the Zenith makes her not just charismatic, but also indicates that she would have a missionary role in this life and would remain famous after her death. However, powerful Pluto located in the house of sex and death (8th), as well as the powerful embrace of the North Node and Chiron in Capricorn, reveal that she has used sex to obtain money and power in a previous lifetime. This is why, in this life, she shall pass through traumatizing experiences specifically linked to sex and again meet people who she has abused. However, the roles will be reversed this time around. Her goal will be to learn, through settling her karmic debt, how to use her sexual energy in a constructive manner. As a reward, she will experience a quick spiritual evolution over the course of this same life.

In truth, since childhood, Destiny led her through circumstances to prepare her to learn the lesson that she must learn in her present life. Oprah Winfrey was a child born to unwed, juvenile parents. She spent her childhood far from her parents, in poverty, on the farm of her grandmother, a very religious woman. With her, Oprah learned to read before she was three years old. She spent most of her time in church. That is where Oprah expressed her innate interest in reading and speaking for the first time, and where adults noticed her incredible memory. In fact, little Oprah could recite entire verses of the Bible.

However, though no one knew at the time, the feminine symbol of the Moon, located in the sign of religious and philosophical Sagittarius at the moment of her birth, orchestrated all the events of her life and caused her to be raised by a person of the feminine sex. This person opened the doors to religion to her, where she learned to perceive and respect differences between people. This would probably have directed the course of her life in a different direction if at the age of six, Oprah hadn’t gone to live with her mother in Milwaukee. It was precisely there, under her mother’s own roof, that little Oprah experienced the worst hell of her existence. At the age of nine, she was sexually abused by her cousin, her uncle and a friend of her mother’s. At the age of fourteen, when she gave birth to a child who died soon after being born, Oprah’s father came back into her life. Trying to instill more discipline in his daughter’s life, he took her with him to Nashville. Thanks to his authority, Oprah’s life took a 180 degree turn in record time.

Naturally intelligent and communicative, she won the speech contest at her school. This allowed her to receive a scholarship to the University of Tennessee State, where she began to study communications and dramatic arts. At 19 years old, she found her first job as a radio reporter in Nashville. Then, things started to fall into place, as if by command. Thus, in 1972, Oprah became the first black woman to work at the local television station in Nashville, WLAC-TV. Four years later, she left for Baltimore. She worked there first as a reporter and joined the talk show People Are Talking . All this is surely not due to chance, but orchestrated by the Heavens. 1972In 1972, Jupiter, planet of happiness, transited her Ascendant and her house of self (1st), thus marking the beginning of a new 12-year cycle of her existence and announcing positive changes. The North Node, responsible for fateful events in life, crossed her natal Sun and Mercury. At the same time, charismatic Neptune in transit touched her natal Moon, symbol of popularity.

1978In 1978, Jupiter traversed her house of work (6th) and her house of the public (7th), helping her to become a television personality.

At the beginning of her television career, her superiors did not know what she was capable of. They saw her as an overweight black woman, blessed with enormous ambition and courage who was trying to make her name in the world of white people, full of prejudice. However, despite the fact that she was black and did not look like a typical television hostess, the public picked up on her altruistic spirit and accepted her for who she was. She was invited to host a morning television program in Chicago. Speaking openly about herself, she made her guests feel comfortable and pushed them to open up. Thus, her show audience multiplied.

In her chart, Neptune, located in the house of reputation and career (10th), makes her not only exceptionally charismatic, but also gives her talent for acting. This is also reinforced by the powerful embrace between the Sun and Venus. Oprah gave dazzling proof of this in Spielberg’s film The Color Purple that brought her an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress. An Oscar that Anjelica Huston just barely took from her. However, her good star then began to shine stronger in the changing sky of show business. Later, she beat all viewer records during an episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show. She established Harpo Productions. She built her studio in Chicago. After Mary Pickford and Lucille Ball, she became the third woman in the world to own her studio. She also became the first black millionaire in America. Official sources indicate that in 2000, Oprah “was worth” 800 million dollars. According to Forbes, in 2004, 2005 and 2006, Oprah Winfrey was the first and only black woman billionaire. Forbes revealed that in 2007, Oprah’s capital surpassed two and a half billion dollars.

While Uranus, initiator of change, performed its transit through Oprah’s planets located in Aquarius from 1996 to 2001, profound changes took place in her life. She hosted thematic programs for a large audience. Sensational themes and interesting guests such as plastic surgeons, prostitutes, pornographers, psychopaths and poets filled her studio and captured the public’s attention towards her program.

For its part, the public always knows how to appreciate sincerity and take the side of those who are suffering. Thus, when Oprah revealed with tears in her eyes, on her show in 1995, that at the age of twenty years she was addicted to cocaine and sex, instead of hating her, the public supported her. Oprah then became stronger than she had ever been. She finally faced her problems with her weight and began a diet. She also hired a special chef for diet food. She found her guru, Bob Greene, to guide her spiritual development and she reached astonishing results. She lost about thirty kilos and was in great shape, Then, as she felt rather powerful, the altruistic nature of her sign resurfaced.

More precisely, Oprah Winfrey spent a lot of money on charitable projects. She actively participated in defending the rights of children. Some people nominated her to be a member of Congress under Bill Clinton. By opening her studio on the west side of Chicago, she saved this part of the city from economic collapse. She helps unknown artists to become recognized. Aware of humanity’s health, she continually speaks against the abusive use of meat in people’s diets. Aside from her show, Oprah produces other programs, signed with Disney, publishes two magazines, O, The Oprah Magazine and O at Home. In January 2008, Oprah Winfrey announced that Discovery Health Channel would become The Oprah Winfrey Network and will be available in over 70 million homes in 2009. Time Magazine named her one of the 25 most influential people in the world.

With regard to her private life, she lives as a couple with the businessman and author Stedman Graham. 1992Their marriage planned for November 1992 did not take place. Astrology explains this by the transit of the North Node, responsible for fateful changes in existence, through her Ascendant. At the same time, cold Saturn, instigator of problems and limitations, traversed her sign where her natal Sun, Venus and Mercury are found, interrupting all action.

Even though she spends most of her time in Chicago, Oprah has several houses. She has a 42-acre property called The Promised Land in California. She also has a house in Lavallette, in New Jersey, a chalet in Colorado, a property in Hawaii and an apartment in Chicago.

In her chart, Saturn and Mars in Scorpio reveal that Oprah Winfrey’s strength is found in the power of this sign and in Aquarius’ aptitude for change. As Jupiter, ruler of her horoscope, is located in the house of work (6th) and in the sign of communicative Gemini, her existential task is to become independent through work. 2007Apparently, she has quickly understood this. Moreover, in order to help others do the same thing themselves, she invested 40 million dollars in 2007 into the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, not far from Johannesburg in South Africa. Precisely at the time when Jupiter crossed her natal Moon, symbol of maternity. She justified this by saying:

“I never had children, never even thought I would have children. Now I have 152 daughters; expecting 75 more next year. [...] I said to the mothers, the family members, the aunts, the grannies—because most of these girls have lost their families, their parents—I said to them, “Your daughters are now my daughters and I promise you I’m going to take care of your daughters. I promise you.”

By helping others, she truly repays her karmic debts and ensures a good future on the spiritual level.
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Over 30 pages long, your Astroscopia Natal Chart reveals everything you need to know about yourself and your destiny.

Thank you for the Natal Chart. WOW, truly amazing how the Chart hits the nail on the head in so many areas relating to me.
I have seen and read other astrological write-ups on me and this one exceedingly surpasses them all. Again, thank you so much as the Natal Chart gives me enlightenment and constructive critics on areas to be on guard about and areas in my life to be aware of and work on.
God Bless You. 

Vance Russell, USA

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Symbolism of planets in the horoscope

The Sun

Symbol of the ego, self, individuality, self-fulfillment, vitality and honor. Symbol of the father, aspiration to power and leadership abilities.

The Moon

Symbol of feelings, love, care, habits, the unconscious mind and instinctive reactions. Symbol of femininity, maternity, the mother and wife. Symbol of the soul and popularity.


Symbol of the intellect, the process of reflection, reason, logic, and expression. Symbol of language, hearing, writing, communication, speed and intelligence. Symbol of the brother.


Symbol of beauty, harmony, love, pleasure, art, grace, fashion and social life. Symbol of the sister and mistress.


Symbol of impulsiveness, initiative, action, personal energy, the spirit of competition, conquest, aggressiveness and the fighting spirit. Symbol of masculinity, man, the husband, passion and sexuality.


Symbol of happiness, expansion, well-being, prosperity, richness and excess. Symbol of justice, morality, the law, religion, spirituality and philosophy. Symbol of the need for freedom, long voyages and risk-taking. Protector of politicians and higher education.


Symbol of suffering and ordeals, limitations, ambition, the ability to perform difficult tasks, discipline and enforcer of Destiny. Symbol of patience, concentration, cruelty, asceticism, seriousness and incorruptible professor.

Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are transcendental planets with several levels of vibrations. Each individual usually makes use of the vibrations corresponding to his or her level of consciousness.


Level 1:
Symbol of revolt, nonconformism, freedom, unpredictability, eccentricity, gambling and risk, radical change.
Level 2:
Symbol of non-linear logic, idealism, progress, emancipation from preconceived ideas, originality, invention, and electricity.
Level 3:
Symbol of the Divine will and antenna of Universal Mind.


Level 1:
Master of seas, symbol of mysticism, illusions, confusion, lies, mental illness, religious institutions, hospitals and prisons. Symbol of weakness for alcohol, medication, drugs and poison.
Level 2:
Symbol of charisma, creativity, imagination, visions, inspiration, idealism, missionary work. Symbol of seduction, patron of music, protector of art and artists.
Level 3:
Antenna of Universal Love.


Level 1:
Symbol of the underground world, souls, death, violence and control. Symbol of magnetic attraction, hidden power, sex, courage, police, secret service, detective work, surgery, and big businesses.
Level 2:
Symbol of transformation of the personality, regeneration, responsible for karmic lessons.
Level 3:
Symbol of higher spiritual consciousness

North Node (Karmic Node)

Symbol of karma, initiator of positive life changes.


Symbolic of the area of the soul’s deep wounds from the past. Chiron provokes experiences that emphasize the first experience of pain and rejection.

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Violeta S. Marsol
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