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The Word
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This is yet another of the prejudices against astrology by those who do not know what it is about. Not only does Astrology not deny free will but, on the contrary, it helps people to become aware of the deepest motives behind their reactions, to know them and to master them. On the other hand, thanks to the observation of different universal, planetary and earthly cycles, Astrology can help us to choose the right moment for everything. It reveals to us favorable moments for taking action as well as when it would be best to wait. The most intuitive people can sense all this themselves without having to know astrology. The only sin of astrology is that it helps us to discover who we are, our needs, where we are coming from and where we are going as well as where we could be going were we to manage to change our negative character traits.

In truth, the conviction according to which Astrology has a fatalistic approach probably goes back to the time when psychology was in its infancy, when the influence of the unconscious on individual reactions was unknown. Indeed, if we start from the principle that character creates destiny, then the less awareness of the cause and effect of one’s actions, the more one is slave to one’s instincts and the less one is able to direct one’s life. Such individuals are then victims to the forces of destiny that, in reality, they themselves have triggered through their past actions. Something they will continue to do over and over again as long as they have not understood how such causes produce such effects and have not modified their faulty behavior.
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All about my parental issues appears to be correct, and thank you for directing me to focus in my professional areas. 

Shy, India

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